- Android 14
- Centauri
- August 2024
About Centauri
Centauri refers to a star system in the constellation Centaurus, best known for Alpha Centauri, the closest star system to Earth, which includes three stars: Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centauri B, and Proxima Centauri. Proxima Centauri is the nearest known star to the Sun and hosts a potentially habitable exoplanet, Proxima b.
- ✱Bump version to Centauri
- ✱Merge August 2024 Security Patch
- ✱OrionSpaces: Integrate into new design of interface menu
- ✱OrionSpaces: Improvements for cardview shape aspect ratio
- ✱Drop Alarm Blocker & Wakelock Blocker
- ✱Optimize notification scaling/rendering
- ✱Apply wakelock for notification sound
- ✱SystemUI: Remove composite alpha from additional scrim on lockscreen
- ✱SystemUI: Hide face unlock recognition animation on UDFPS devices
- ✱SystemUI: adjustments default staturbar padding
- ✱SystemUI: Fix crash when click rotation button on keyguard
- ✱SystemUI: Fix crash when switching QS view parents
- ✱base: Improve height CollapsingToolbarBar
- ✱PixelPropUtils: Add support for JSON based (PIF) spoofing
- ✱PixelPropUtils: Implement json-based game spoofing
- ✱PixelPropUtils: Switch fingerprint to akita
- ✱SystemUI: Show island notification on landscape
- ✱SystemUI: Allow setting QS rows
- ✱Remove three finger swipe to screenshot
- ✱Add three fingers swipe actions